Image courtesy of Shamera Robinson, MPH, RDN, LDN
"I'm not hungry."
"There's not enough time."
...If I kept a list of all the reasons people told me for why they skip breakfast, you'd be reading this all day. We often hear breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but let's be honest... breakfast is also the first thing to go when we're running late in the morning.
Why is skipping breakfast such a big deal? Well, studies suggest eating breakfast may enhance memory, improve cognitive ability, and help increase attention span. By jump starting your day with a decent breakfast, you can also prevent overeating at your next meal. And most importantly... breakfast [helps] keep your mood stable. Nobody wants to deal with your hangry self!
This is not me telling you to wake up early enough to cook a five course breakfast... I understand that won't happen. But I am challenging you to start your day with some good food - even if just a nibble.
Top Four Grab-N-Go Breakfast Ideas
- Peanut Butter + Toast (my absolute favorite thing)
- Plain Yogurt + Granola
- Boiled Egg + Oatmeal
- Handful of Nuts + Fruit
Feel free to mix it up. Remember... A little something is better than a bunch of nothing!