“But forget all that, it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Isaiah 43:18-19 (NLT)”
NO God, I don’t!! See most of you are closing out this year celebrating because the holiday season is near, which means new “things” (presents), new experiences (vacation), followed by a new exciting year. However, others of you like me may be struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel because certain events of this year made you feel like you were getting beat down by Floyd Mayweather Jr.! So NO I don’t see it...due to a series of very unfortunate events and terrible people this year may have shaken you to your core. Making it difficult for you to trust in your friends, family, yourself, even in God. For some of you, this year started out as one of the best years of your life! Things seemed to be falling into place, you were happier than you ever before, and in a moment everything changed.
It's hard to SEE IT, to trust that God is doing something great and new for you, when you wake up in the morning and it feels like as soon as you put two feet on the floor, someone sucker punches you in the stomach making you cower to you knees. It’s hard to FORGET about former things and not dwell on the past when situations in life continually remind you of your past. But Isaiah tells us that we have to get over it! We must forget about former things. That’s our responsibility, that’s what is required in order to receive the promise in this verse.
See if we’re constantly dwelling on our past we can’t see the NEW thing(s) God is doing in our life. We can’t see God making a path in the wilderness (aka the hot mess of life’s current unpleasant circumstances). We can’t see God creating rivers in the dry wasteland (aka my present situation-insert *poop emoji *poop emoji *poop emoji). When we dwell on the past it's impossible to have the faith to see anything new. Essentially, we inflict a self-imposed blindness on ourselves, prohibiting us from seeing the good thing(s) God is creating in NOW.
It’s time to forget on purpose! Take this first step so that you can position yourself in such a way that God can to reveal His newness!